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Expand your coaching practice.

PROFILE Coaching certifies coaches & HR professionals with Extended DISC® psychometric profiling through small group training. 

Add to your toolbox

Get an internationally recognised certification in your coaching toolbox


Improve confidence

Improve your confidence with a report that identifies coachable areas.


Increase credibility

Expand your services and increase your credibility with Extended DISC® 

We often see the same struggles experienced by coaches starting out.

  • Difficulty identifying the needs of their clients leading to waning coach confidence.

  • Balancing a full time job while trying to launch a coach career on the side.

  • Struggling to get traction through existing networking channels.

  • Lacking the skills to coach to more than one person at a time.

  • Lack of credibility, experience and reputation.

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Don’t let the coaching dream die yet…

Learn Extended DISC® profiling so you can coach more than one person at a time or large teams.

 Identify the needs of your clients faster.

Speed up the progress of your customer by teaching them about themselves.

Teach your clients how to work in teams - the ultimate business coaching skill.

Get more referrals and better testimonials.

Grow your business with credibility and a recognised system.



$1250 + GST

Get certified with us

Image of Marina Shearer - Director & Extended DISC Master Trainer at Profile Coaching NZ

Director, Marina Shearer

BSc. Psych, Dip Professional Coaching, Master Trainer HR Profiling Australasia

Image of Extended DISC Master Trainer qualification, which is held by Marina Shearer at Profile Coaching NZ
We have a passion for teaching and empowering coaches. We help coaches & HR professionals get certified through unique training, tailored to your style, needs & experience. 

It’s our opinion after working with DISC® for more than 30 years that if you are a professional coach or HR Consultant, Extended DISC® profiling should be in your toolbox.


We've learned that it helps you and your clients to achieve goals faster. This increases your value as a business coach, and will help you to realise your dream of business coaching full-time, not just as a side hustle.

Extended DISC® certification is open to anyone who wishes to become a qualified practitioner of Extended DISC® products. You are certified to offer this training worldwide and the fee is a one off fee.

Image of the Profile Coaching eBook "How to Understand Yourself and Your People"

Download our FREE eBook - 'How to Understand Yourself and Your People'.

Meet some coaches who have certified

Image of Trish a business coach who received Extended DISC training from Marina Shearer of Profile Coaching NZ

"Marina has been my Extended DISC® trainer for twelve months and has helped me every stop of the way"


Professional Coach & Extended DISC® Practitioner

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"Marina encouraged, listened & guided me in using the Extended DISC® tool through her extensive knowledge & experience."


Professional Coach & Extended DISC® Practitioner


"Marina has been an encourager and supporter for me in many ways not just as my Extended DISC® coach and trainer."

Professional Coach & Extended DISC® Practitioner

Image of an accredited Extended DISC business coach enjoying a successful coaching session after training with Marina Shearer of Profile Coaching NZ.

Ready to turn your business coaching dream into a reality?

Getting started is easy...

Gain confidence in identifying your client's needs with a proven system and support. Gain extra credibility through a recognised accreditation. Learn new skills to coach more than one person at a time, including business teams.


$1250 + GST


Call for a FREE consultation

Talk to Marina about your current coaching practice to see if Extended DISC® certification will be the right solution for you.


Work together in small groups

Start training in Extended DISC® and facilitation with personalised small group training to suit your unique needs and style.


Grow your customer base

Grow your competence and confidence as a coach or HR consultant and start taking your career to the next level.

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