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How can I be assured this programme is effective?Women need a leadership training programme that helps them be agile, lead situationally, and empower their people to succeed. Here's what the SLII® programme offers: Research Driven SLII® is based on 30+ years of research on leadership and work passion, incorporates the latest advances in neuroscience, and has evolved with the changing workplace. Creates Inspiring Leaders SLII® satisfies the brain’s need for competence, autonomy, and relatedness, creating a safe workplace where employees are free to problem-solve, innovate and collaborate. Proven Results Over 10,000 companies worldwide have used SLII® to improve productivity, reduce turnover, and increase sales and profits Universally Effective SLII® works for leaders globally regardless of industry, language or job function. SLII® teaches leaders to give their people the right direction or support at the right time.
What are the benefits of the programme?1. Accelerate Development SLII® helps managers accelerate the development of their direct reports, from enthusiastic beginners to self-reliant achievers. 2. Speak a Common Language When managers and team members speak the same language, misunderstandings, micromanaging, and frustration fade away. 3. Improve Retention Leaders who match their style to the needs of their people improve morale, commitment, and engagement. Who would leave a job like that? 4. Unlock Creativity Research shows that employees who feel supported by their manager are far more engaged—and that is the foundation of innovation.
How does the leadership model work?SLII® is an easy-to-understand, practical framework that enables managers to diagnose the development level of an employee for a task: D1 – Enthusiastic Beginner; D2 – Disillusioned Learner; D3 – Capable, but Cautious Contributor; and D4 – Self-Reliant Achiever. Managers then use the appropriate directive and supportive behaviours to help them succeed: S1 – Directing; S2 – Coaching; S3 – Supporting; and S4 – Delegating. Our award-winning learning design, The SLII Experience™, incorporates Blanchard’s latest research and state-of-the-art design theory. This creates a learning experience that allows for quick mastery of the methodology and enables managers to help their direct reports soar to new professional heights.
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